Sunday 12 December 2010

sticky sausages with honey and mustard glaze

What could be easier than putting some sausages in the oven? The age old standard of sausages on sticks never fails to please. Add a sticky, savoury glaze of honey and mustard and they'll be the first thing to disappear.

Recipe : Sausage glaze
2 tbsp honey (any type will do, I used orange blossom)
1 tsp each of whole grain and Dijon mustard

Mix the honey and mustards together well in a bowl and set aside.

Using one pack of sausages, decide how you are going to cook them. Of course you have many options how to do this. I find roasting them in a 375oF oven for about 20 minutes as simple as you can get, but other options will produce crispier and stickier bangers. Grilling, (broiling) gets them as crisp and brown as you like, especially if you cut them down the middle and continue to grill, as does frying, although the sausage will be a little oilier. Someone I used to work with would cook her sausages with a little water in the bottom of a baking tray. Once in the oven the water would eventually evaporate and the sausages would start cooking in their own juices. This is a healthier option than adding any fat. 

However you decide to cook your sausages, make sure they are almost done before adding the glaze. Brush it all over, turning the sausages to ensure they are completely covered and continue either grilling, frying or baking. Keep a keen eye on them as the glaze will quickly burn as it contains sugar. When the sausages look sticky, golden brown and starting to really crisp, they are ready. Cut into small pieces and pierce with a toothpick to offer to your guests.

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