Friday 23 September 2011

One glazed roast ham, one pie, one burrito and one soup

Suddenly I felt the urge to go to the British Butcher in North Vancouver and buy a huge piece of raw gammon. Why? Because we had just bought a leek and Neil, through a sudden nostalgic yearning, started to describe with affection and longing the leek sauce his mum used to make to accompany boiled gammon or ham. A meal I remember fondly as a child was cold ham, chips and vinegar. The ham would have to be cold and cut from a joint which my mum had cooked herself, never, ever from a packet, (that would be reserved for sandwiches) and I've also spoken before of the huge pieces roasted in my dad's bread ovens, all glistening and crispy on the outside. So, you can clearly see that home cooked ham is a very cherished meal for both Neil and I and we quite happily paid $25 for a part of a beast to roast, (or in this case, simmer).

Of course, $25 is extreme only if one meal is to be produced from it. This roast provided 3 evenings worth of meals, as well as sandwiches and soup stock, so it really was quite economical. The pie above was produced on day 2, along with the leftover leek sauce which served as the pie filling base. Day 3 was another bite of the pie for Neil and burritos for me, ham being an unusual but very tasty alternative to beef or chicken. Meal no 4 was a healthy bean and ham soup for lunch, made from the cooking stock. 

I've created a new page for each of the recipes to keep things neater and will add to them if another worthy meal should occur. (There's still some ham sitting patiently in the fridge - will this thing never end)? 

Click on the images below to be taken to each recipe page

 1. Marmalade, maple syrup and mustard glazed ham with leek sauce

2. Ham, egg, pepper and mushroom pie with leek sauce and a half wholewheat crust

 3. Grilled burritos with ham, mixed greens and peppers with fajita seasonings

4. Ham, mixed bean and kale soup with Asian flavours


Anonymous said...

Looks toothsome, Delyth. I hope you slathered some hot Coleman's mustard on those ham slices.

Delyth said...

Actually Dave, I didn't. But it would have been a very good addition. Next time!