Friday 14 January 2011

What can you do with one pack of smoked Prosciutto?

Spotting this in a local supermarket, intrigued, many recipes began floating through my head. That corn fed chicken wrapped in Prosciutto at a friend's wedding. Monkfish or pork loin wrapped and grilled to enhance the smoky, sweet many possibilities, none of which I actually ended up making. Mentioned on a previous post, this new product was a revelation. Usually I have half a packet left before I realise it's still sitting in the fridge, getting very hard and chewy, but not this one. I used the whole pack in 4 different recipes. So, to summarize, I will mention the dishes here and provide links to the actual recipe posts. SO, one pack at $5.99:

2 A posh breakfast sandwich

3 Sardines with butter, herbs, capers and smoked Prosciutto

4 Asparagus wrapped in smoked Prosciutto with butter

9 pieces of asparagus snapped free of woody ends. (Just hold at either end and push down, the woody bit at the end will snap off)
3 pieces of smoked Prosciutto
a little olive oil
2 small dabs of butter

Wrap 3 asparagus spears with the Prosciutto and repeat with the others.
Drizzle a little olive oil over the delicate spear ends
Grill under a grill (broiler) until the asparagus has softened slightly and the Prosciutto is crisp.
Serve with the butter on top (optional)

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