Wednesday 23 February 2011

A bad day and Adriana's Mexican soup

I had a really bad day at work today. A student started shouting at me because I told him to stop speaking Arabic really loudly in the hallway. There are 'English only' signs everywhere, but I seem to be the only one taking any notice of them. It's because I've worked in many schools where this would not be tolerated at all, so I've been sort of conditioned to respond. All the other students from his country gave me looks that could kill after that little incident, not a pleasant day. The director is fantastic, however and supports me one hundred percent. Teaching is not for the faint hearted, believe me.

Just a quick post regarding food today. This soup was created by a Mexican friend for a boxing day party. All I remember about it is that it was made with bacon and beans and tasted smoky and hearty, in a wholesome kind of way. She served it straight from the saucepan with polystyrene cups she had brought along with plastic spoons and a guacamole for topping, which was creamy and fresh tasting. I preferred it without, however, not really enjoying the way it melted and diluted down the strong, earthy taste. 

I'd love to share her recipe with you but didn't get it at the time, (this was Boxing Day, I only just got the photos)!, so a quick Internet search bore forth a myriad of Mexican bacon and bean soups, most with pinto or black beans and cilantro, so I think it's fair to say that the following recipe is pretty close to the mark. Thank you to and Thank you to Adriana for taking the time to make this beautiful soup.
Here's hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

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