Sunday 27 February 2011

A Different kind of fritatta

For the uninitiated, a fritatta is a thick omelet, sort of like a crust-less quiche. It has the wonderful virtue of being able to take any old ingredient you throw at it and is therefore a great fridge clear out dish to know. It can, however, be a little bland and sometimes needs to be cold for me to really enjoy it, when I feel the tastes are more prominent and stronger. Sometimes, I am disappointed by the results but like my mantra to my students, "I keep trying". I don't recall where I saw this recipe first, probably in some egg or Italian cookbook, but it seemed intriguing because it involves basically making a spaghetti dish and then covering everything with beaten egg and grilling. 

The version I made is indeed peculiar. I had some cute little beets, some red cabbage, 3 different types of bacon and Prosciutto and some bok choy. Even using these ingredients in the same sentence seems wrong, but, covered with 6 beaten eggs and copious amounts of cheese, all is well.

The frittata is usually praised for its ability to be cut into wedges when hot or cold and therefore is considered to be good for picnics, due to its portable nature. A wedge wrapped in some wax paper is great stored in a cooler and I have made many of these for camping and road trips.

Of course, a little hot sauce always helps some things along.

So, the recipe. I'm going to give you a basic recipe and some suggestions and then let you decide what to include. I can't imagine anyone would want to re create the strange hybrid version I made above but feel free to create your own weird concoctions. Just open the fridge door and be brave!

Recipe : Spaghetti frittata
Basic recipe
1 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp oil
1 tsp butter
2 tbsp cider, white wine or chicken stock
1 tbsp sour or regular cream
spaghetti (enough for 2 people)
6 eggs, beaten well
1/4 tsp salt
freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup grated cheese

Optional additions 1 (For initial fry)
4 rashers bacon or Prosciutto, sliced
1/4 leek, white part, shredded finely
1 celery stalk, finely diced
1/2 bell pepper, sliced finely
1/4 cup cooked broccoli florets
4 small tomatoes, halved
6 mushrooms, chopped finely
1 handful spinach
1/2 cup shredded kale, Swiss chard or other greens

Optional additions 2 (To be added before eggs)
1/4 cup shredded cooked chicken 
1/4 cup crab meat
8 prawns, shelled 
1/4 cup cooked potatoes, sliced or broken up
2 tbsp of your choice of herbs

Fry the onion and garlic and your choice of initial fry additions in the butter and oil over medium heat until soft, crispy and / or wilted.
Add the liquid of your choice and sour cream and cook for about 10 minutes until most of the liquid has evaporated and lost its alcohol bitterness and there is little moisture left.
Meanwhile, boil some salted water and cook the spaghetti until al dente (some bite left), about 7- 9 minutes, drain and set aside.
Beat the 6 eggs well and add the salt and pepper.
Add any optional additions 2 you would like to the vegetables in the frying pan and stir well. Try to distribute everything evenly in the pan.
Add the spaghetti and stir well.
Pour the eggs over everything in the pan, ensuring they cover evenly. Let this cook for a few minutes on gentle heat to cook the bottom and create a crust.
Sprinkle the cheese over everything and pop under the grill to cook the top and brown the cheese.
You should be able to easily remove the frittata in one piece and cut into wedges.

In my opinion, frittata is better cold and served with a nice tangy or fruity sauce.

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