Saturday 8 January 2011

Chocolate satisfaction

I thought I would add a quick note about these easy chocolates I make whenever I feel a desire for something sweet overtake me. They are basically made from unsweetened chocolate which means I can control how bitter or sweet I want them by adding my own sweetener. I can also add whipping cream, sour cream, peanut butter and any alcohol I feel like garnishing them with that day. 

The original recipe came from Karen Barnaby's 'Low Carb Gourmet Cookbook', but I have basically taken the foundations of the recipe and stripped it down to just create chocolates with the peanut butter element optional as to how I feel that day.

  • 1 piece of unsweetened chocolate
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp whipping cream
  • 2 sachets sweetener (or 4 tsp sugar)
  • a little rum

Melt the chocolate in a dish in the microwave for 1 minute, remove and stir (the dish will be very hot).
    Add the butter and return to the microwave for another 20 - 30 seconds. Remove and stir well until the chocolate and butter are completely melted.
      Add the remaining ingredients, stir well and spoon into individual cup cake cases. Make as many as you want depending on how deep you make them.
        Store in the freezer or fridge if you intend to eat them straightaway.

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