Thursday 19 September 2013

beet, apple & apricot salad

This year, more than any other, I find myself lamenting the loss of Summer. The reason is obvious. After spending a great deal of money, time and hard work on making our roof deck pretty, it feels as though it's time is almost over, the fleeting two months of Sunshine gone and the chance to barbecue relegated to the narrow time slot of 7 - 8pm. I've always loved the colour and vibrancy of Autumn, but this year it really seems to have a brisk air of finality about it. Friends keep asking us for one more roof top party and we would be happy to oblige if the weather would.

July was one of our driest months in history with not even one drop of rain. I think back to it wistfully, realising that Pacific Northwest Summers can be hot, dry and glorious but let's face it, pathetically short. UK friends and relatives will be cursing me as Summers there have no such certainty of sunshine, July often soggy and overcast. What can we do to cheer ourselves up? Maybe look forward to some of the pleasures of Autumn, although right now they are escaping me.

This recipe is a little of Autumn with the earthy beets and tangy apples and a little of Summer with the sweet apricots, perfect for this time of bridging the two seasons when one day can be hot and sunny and the next cold and dark. We had this salad with some roast pork, (of course), but it could easily hold it's own for a lunch.

Recipe : Beet, apple and apricot salad
2 beets, 1 peeled and chopped into chunks and 1 peeled and very finely sliced into slivers
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored and finely sliced
2 apricots, peeled and chopped into thin slices
a handful of seasonal mixed greens

3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/4 tsp agave syrup or honey
1/4 tsp mustard
a little salt and pepper

First, bring a pot of water to the boil over medium heat and add the chunked beet. Cover and let cook until the beet is soft enough to be pierced with a knife, about 30 minutes or so. Drain well and let cool. Place the apple slices, beet slivers, apricots and greens in a large bowl and add the beet chunks when cool. Whisk the dressing ingredients together in a small bowl and taste to ensure you have a balance you like, then pour over the beets and other ingredients. Mix well and serve.

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