Thursday 13 October 2011

Thanksgiving leftovers collection

The Leftovers Collection:
Click on the pictures above to be taken to the recipes
1. Turkey, tomato and Swiss chard soup with baby potatoes
2.Turkey egg fried rice with savoy cabbage
3. Roasted ham and pineapple pizza with Gruyere

The roasted ham with pineapple

The turkey 

"Please take some home with you", said Marcus, "really, as much as you want". Never needing  much in the way of persuasion when it comes to food, the entire turkey carcass was dutifully bagged, along with two great hunks hacked off the ham and some pineapple.

What to do with it all? The promised curry cooked for a 'jamming' crowd on Monday night never materialised, so I'm curious as to what Marcus did with half the meat from a 19lb turkey. This is what I did over the course of three days.


Chelle said...

Brilliant use of the leftovers Del. Wasted food has such a negative impact, and it really makes me upset the huge portions that are prepared especially in the USA. Thought to those who don't have access to food at all would be a start to not wasting food. The pizza looked ace! Yes even veggies can admit that! haha :)

Delyth said...

Thanks Chelle. I'm really interested to know what Marcus did with all that stuff in his fridge, especially what must have been at least 2.5lbs of turkey meat. What did you do Marcus?

Delyth said...

I've been watching Live Aid again recently. The documentary at the end shows Bob Geldof speaking to Margaret Thatcher regarding the millions the government were about to spend on discarding butter, yet people who were dying and could eat butter oil were not even considered. It's obscene.